Clutch Gaming (CG) attempting to close the game versus Team SoloMid (TSM)

Closing Games: Snowballing from Your Advantages

7 min readMay 28, 2020


Last week, we discussed Ganking, which is most beneficial for junglers. Today, we will discuss a topic that can help you climb the ladder even further as a team player — Closing Games.

This article aims to teach you how to close games and what objectives should you focus on. You’ll also learn how to pressure different objectives to help you win. As always, some handy tips will be helpful in your games.


You’ll notice that their games are much shorter on average in higher tiers. This is because the players know how to close out the game and snowball their advantages. They do this by looking for the next available objectives and knowing what those are. Once they get a slight lead, they will use it to get objectives to make the lead bigger. Then, they use that to grab more objectives, and so on.

This is very important because taking objectives gives your team an advantage. Also, you are taking away the opportunity from your enemies. This establishes gold and power offset between you and the enemy team. You can steamroll over the enemy team once you accumulate a significant enough advantage. You can then take anything you want, allowing you to win the game.

But, some objectives can be challenging to secure by yourself, so you need always to be sure to have the numbers backing you up. It is always better for five players to simultaneously be on the same page. You don’t want to have three or more players trying to take different objectives. That is why teamwork is essential.


I’ll be explaining to you guys which objectives are the most valuable. This will be in order from the least valuable to the most valuable. If you memorize all these, you should always know what you will get next while playing. Some of these objectives will change depending on the game timer. But for the most part, this is how you should focus on objectives.

1) Caster Minions

— Gives 14 gold

2) Melee Minions

— Gives 21 gold

3) Siege Minions

— Gives 60–90 gold

4) Jungle Camps

— Priority from Lowest to Highest:

Wolves/Raptors < Gromp < Krugs

— Gives 85–135 gold

5) Rift Scuttler

— Gives 70–126 gold

— Grants vision for 90 seconds

6) Red Brambleback / Blue Sentinel

— Gives 100 gold

— Grants Crest of Cinders/Insight for 2 minutes

7) Top Outer Turret

— Gives 500 gold to the team

— Grants extra map access, which adds more vision for the team

— Allows your team to get Rift Herald / Baron Nashor easier

8) Bot Outer Turret

— Gives 500 gold to the team

— Grants extra map access, which adds more vision for the team

— Allows your team to get Elemental Drakes / Elder Dragon easier

9) 1st Elemental Drake

— Gives 25 gold

— Gives your team a stack of Dragon Slayer (permanent team buff)

— Denies the Dragon Slayer from the enemy team

10) Rift Herald

— Gives 100 gold

— Gives your team the Eye of the Herald

— Denies the Eye of the Herald from the enemy team

11) Mid Outer Turret

— Gives 500 gold to the team

— Grants greater map access, which adds more vision for the team

— Allows your team to get objectives easier

12) 2nd Elemental Drake

— Gives 25 gold

— Gives your team another stack of Dragon Slayer (permanent team buff)

— Denies the Dragon Slayer buff from the enemy team

13) Top Inner Turret

— Gives 550 gold to the team

— Grants extra map access, which adds more vision for the team

— Allows your team to get Rift Herald / Baron Nashor easier

14) Bot Inner Turret

— Gives 550 gold to the team

— Grants extra map access, which adds more vision for the team

— Allows your team to get Elemental Drakes / Elder Dragon easier

15) Mid Inner Turret

— Gives 500 gold to the team

— Grants greater map access, which adds more vision for the team

— Allows your team to get objectives easier

16) 3rd Elemental Drake

— Gives 25 gold

— Gives your team another stack of Dragon Slayer (permanent team buff)

— Denies the Dragon Slayer buff from the enemy team

— Gets you to Soul Point

17) Top Inhibitor Turret

— Gives 300 gold to the team

— Pressures their inhibitor

— Adds minion pressure

18) Mid Inhibitor Turret

— Gives 300 gold to the team

— Pressures their inhibitor

— Adds minion pressure

19) Bot Inhibitor Turret

— Gives 300 gold to the team

— Pressures their inhibitor

— Adds minion pressure

20) 4th Elemental Drake

— Gives 25 gold

— Gives your team the Dragon Soul (powerful, permanent team buff)

— Denies the enemy team from taking Elemental Drakes

21) Nexus Turrets

— Gives 250 gold to the team

— Increases the value of inhibitors

— Increases reward for pressure

22) Baron Nashor

— Gives 1525 gold to the team

— Grants massive map control

— Gives your team the Hand of Baron buff for 3 minutes (helps your team in poke/siege)

— Denies the Hand of Baron buff from the enemy team

23) Elder Dragon

— Gives 1350 gold to the team

— Grants massive map control

— Gives your team the Aspect of the Dragon buff for 2.5 minutes (helps your team in winning team fights)

— Denies the Aspect of the Dragon buff from the enemy team

24) Top Inhibitor

— Grants massive map control

— Restricts the enemy team’s movement

— Applies constant lane pressure

— Allows your team to get Elemental Drakes / Elder Dragon easier

25) Mid Inhibitor

— Grants massive map control

— Restricts the enemy team’s movement

— Applies constant lane pressure

— Allows your team to get objectives easier

26) Bot Inhibitor

— Grants massive map control

— Restricts the enemy team’s movement

— Applies constant lane pressure

— Allows your team to get Rift Herald / Baron Nashor easier

27) Nexus

— Wins you the game

To reiterate, these are often the best choices from a theoretical standpoint. However, different situations can cause the importance to change. There will be a separate article to go with this one that will come out in the future. It will explain all the objectives mentioned in detail and what they give. This is to help you understand the importance of the different objectives of the game. But this is a general rule only, and there are a lot of nuances to consider in practice.

The importance of objectives is completely subjective. One must base it on the state that the game is being played. Generally, this list is correct. But you should always focus on objectives that you can secure, to cut the risks involved. It is worth contesting objectives that are worth taking that doesn’t present a larger risk to you.


Now that you know which objectives you need to get, you must know how to get them from your enemy. Chances are, they won’t let you take them lying down. There are a few ways you can do this.

One way is by moving around the map. For example, you can shove a lane to the tower and retreat as they try to defend that lane. You can then run towards another lane to start pushing there. Doing these many times will allow you to whittle down the objectives. The community refers to this as “Rotations”.

Another way to pressure objectives is to pressure many objectives at once. There will come a time when running the enemy team around won’t work. You can have someone split push on one side while the rest of the team pressure objectives. This means that they can only stop one of your attempts, so you get at least something. It’s essential in these situations that you don’t overextend. It is likely for a side to get outnumbered, so you have to disengage. Doing so will allow the other side to secure objectives.

Another thing is maintaining vision, which outlines why vision is essential in games. If you know where your enemies are in higher tiers, you can exploit them while they’re in the wrong spot. This will usually allow you to grab objectives. For example, you maintain vision in their top-side jungle and spot their jungler. Now your team can get Dragon because he won’t be there on time. Your team is already around, and that’s an uncontested big win, all because of a little ward.


You can bait your enemies using objectives. One of the best ways to secure objectives is to have the entire enemy team dead. If you can lure them into thinking you are doing objectives, it can force them to face-check into your team. You can usually wipe them out and grab something even better if they fall for it.

You can do a trick with minion waves to make them auto-push. This is good for setting up a lane while the rest of your team pressures other lanes. The enemy will have to choose which lane to respond to, but they will be unable to stop them all. This is called an ultimatum because they lose no matter what they do. You must find a wave and kill all the Caster Minions to set these up. Caster Minions do the majority of the damage in a wave. If you can take them all out, your wave will stack up and become a crazy, unstoppable force.

That’s all for today’s article! I hope you guys learned something after reading this. Good luck on the Rift!




Written by Midnight

My name is Symeon “Midnight” Seguis. I am a League of Legends coach that specializes in strategy and player improvement. I like to write guides and analysis!

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