Control Ward placed on Summoner’s Rift

Control Wards: Not Your Ordinary Ward

4 min readMay 7, 2020


Last week, I tackled a very important topic which is Last Hitting. This time, I will talk about Control Wards with the following topics. The difference between control and stealth/totem wards, how to use them, and where to place them.


Stealth/Totem Wards are free. Which comes from either the Warding Totem trinket or the upgraded Support items. Totem Wards last from 90–120 seconds while Stealth Wards lasts for 150 seconds. They are also Stealthed so they are untargetable by enemy champions. You will most likely destroy it using a Control Ward or an Oracle Lens.

Control Wards costs 75 gold and it lasts until it’s killed. To make the best out of these, you want them up for at least 3 minutes. They can also detect Stealthed traps and wards (also disables those wards). The downside is that they’re visible the entire time.


Control Wards are ideal for maintaining the constant vision of an area. Also, they could be more effective over Stealth/Totem Wards if you know where to place them. You can gain sight of an entire area or make your lane immune to ganks for a long time if you know where to place them.

Control Wards are also amazing at denying enemy vision or detecting Camouflaged champions.


Control Wards are visible for the entire time, it is important to know where you should place them. The following are the most effective areas to do so:

The bush behind the Murk Wolves in the enemy jungle
The bush by Red Brambleback in the enemy jungle

These two spots are amazing spots for Control Wards for the following reasons:

First, nobody usually walks through those bushes. No matter where the enemy jungler is coming from, they almost never go through those bushes. These wards usually last up to 10–20 minutes, as they don’t pass by those bushes.

Second, you can always spot the enemy jungler when he is on that side of the jungle and knows where he is going. This allows your laners to decide if they should play passive or be aggressive.

Decent spots for your Control Wards are:

The bush behind your Red Brambleback
The small bush in the River
The tri-bush in Bottom (Blue Side) / Top Lane (Red Side)

These spots are decent because they often last for 3 minutes or more, thus making it a valuable purchase. They also give a lot of vision for your team and it makes it much harder for the enemy to gank you.


A neat trick you can do is that if you’re facing an enemy Evelynn, you can place your Control Ward in a safe place. First, place your Control Ward over a wall near the bush. Then, you place a Stealth/Totem Ward in the bush itself where it’s inside the Control Ward’s vision.

The Control Ward structure against Evelynn

This turns your Stealth/Totem Ward into an invisible Control Ward! It’ll help you spot Evelynn before she sneaks up on you and she’ll have no idea.

You can also use your Control Ward as a bait. First, you need to make sure that you’re well hidden (in a bush, for example). Afterward, place a Control Ward in the middle of the lane. When minions walk past it, it will give the enemy vision of the ward. This makes the enemy walk towards it and try to kill it. But when they do, you kill him. GGEZ.


Before following what’s written here, there are general rules you must follow.

  • Do we have control?

There is no point in placing a Control Ward down somewhere when they can clear it without difficulty. It’s a waste of 75 gold. You want to always try and make sure that wherever you place it, it has to last for at least 3 minutes.

  • ALWAYS have a Control Ward

If you leave the base with more than 75 gold and you haven’t bought a Control Ward or have one out on the map, you have failed.

  • Control Wards are OP. Use them.

There’s a reason why you can only place one Control Ward on the map at a single time, so you have to use them.

That’s all for today, I hope you have learned something from this article. Good luck on the rift!




My name is Symeon “Midnight” Seguis. I am a League of Legends coach that specializes in strategy and player improvement. I like to write guides and analysis!