The Nexus — the overall objective of the game

Objectives: The Key to Winning Games

8 min readJun 4, 2020


This week, we'll follow up on my previous article about Closing Games and examine Objectives.

I will look at the objectives list I posted in my previous article. My goal is to explain what you gain from them to give you a better idea of what's important during your game. This article will also be longer than my usual ones. But it was necessary to do it this way to fit everything I wanted.


One quick thing to mention before we begin. I want to preface this article by explaining the quote from my previous article.

The importance of objectives is completely subjective. One must base it on the state that the game is being played. Generally, this list is correct. But you should always focus on objectives that you can secure, to cut the risks involved. It is worth contesting objectives that are worth taking that doesn’t present a larger risk to you.

The importance of objectives is entirely dependent on your specific game. Particular objectives can be more beneficial depending on the situation. Team compositions can also play a part in deciding the values of objectives. The purpose of this article is to explain to you what these objectives give you. I will also be adding some general examples of when to take them.

Now, I am going to go through the list I featured in my previous article, and I'll be adding the following points to each one:

  • The benefits of taking the objectives
  • The reason why you should take them
  • Importance Rating (IR) on a scale from 1–10, indicated by stars


1) Caster Minions (IR: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆)

Although these guys are less important than the rest on the list, they are standard. They give you 14 gold throughout the game as well as giving you 29–37 experience. These guys are the DPS of minion waves.

2) Melee Minions (IR: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆)

They give you 21 gold throughout the game as well as giving you 60–75 experience. These guys are the tanks of minion waves.

3) Siege Minions (IR: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆)

These are by far the most valuable type of minions, worth 60–90 gold and 93–116 experience.

4) Jungle Camps (IR: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆)

Includes: Wolves, Raptors, Gromp, and Krugs

These camps are very similar in importance. Remember that they give you around 85–135 gold and 95–236 experience.

5) Rift Scuttler

IR: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (Early Game)

IR: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (Mid Game)

IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (Late Game)

This is more important than the Jungle Camps included above. It is because of the immense vision and mobility it gives to your team. It is the only unclearable vision in the game. It also deters the enemy from doing Dragon or Baron Nashor while you have control of it. As the game goes on, this becomes more and more important.

6) Red Brambleback / Blue Sentinel (IR: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆)

The rating of these camps can vary. We know they give 100 gold and 110–149 experience when taken. There are games where they would have a mana or cooldown-dependent mid-laner. Stealing the enemy Blue Sentinel can be a massive advantage in that situation. There will also be games where the enemy has a low-mobility ADC or a jungle with no CC. In this case, stealing the Red Brambleback can put them behind. Stealing either of these buffs can increase your poke and siege potential as the game progresses. If you or the enemy team has a poke comp, stealing these can be beneficial.

7) Top Outer Turret (IR: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆)

Destroying this turret gives 500 gold to your team. It also gives you access to the map you didn't have before. This will allow you to get into the enemy's side of the map. It also only allows a small amount of vision for the enemy team. If you notice the map, each turret is placed to give the largest possible vision. By destroying a turret, the enemies lose significant amounts of vision. This will give you more opportunities to invade and take their jungle camps.

8) Bot Outer Turret (IR: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆)

Destroying this turret gives your team the same 500 gold as all other outer turrets. There is a reason that this turret is more valuable than the top outer turret. This allows you to push the minions further into your enemy's side of the map and hold control of the Dragon.

9) 1st Elemental Drake (IR: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆)

Although this doesn't give global gold anymore, it still provides 150–330 experience. Remember that Dragons have a multiplier if your team's average level is lower than the opponent's. This means that Dragons are more valuable to your team if you are behind.

10) Rift Herald

IR: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (Post-14 minutes)

IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (Pre-14 minutes)

Getting this is important before the 14-minute mark. That timeframe is when the Turret Platings are still up. It lets you get at least 320 gold from the Rift Herald's leap attack. After 14 minutes, the value of Rift Herald changes to destroying turrets. If left unchecked, she can destroy many turrets very fast.

11) Mid Outer Turret (IR: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆)

This turret bears 500 gold you'll get for the team when taken. This turret is the most valuable outer turret. This is because the only turret gives you access to both sides of the enemy's jungle. It allows your team to have the freedom to move around the map more efficiently, and it will enable you to get objectives more efficiently.

12) 2nd Elemental Drake (IR: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆)

This is almost the same as the 1st Elemental Drake. It has a higher rating because of the Dragon Slayer buff. This allows you to either build into more effects or amplify the effects of the buff. It is one thing for you to be able to secure this for your team. But it would be best if you remembered that by doing so, you're also denying it from the enemy team.

13) Top Inner Turret (IR: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆)

These types of turrets give 550 gold to the team when destroyed. This turret is less valuable than the other inner turrets because it grants you a small amount of map access. Even though it denies vision and puts pressure on the top inhibitor, its benefits aren't that great.

14) Bot Inner Turret (IR: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆)

Much like the top inner turret, it doesn't grant too much extra map pressure. Getting this is still important as it denies vision. It will also allow you to put even more distance between your minion pressure and Dragon.

15) Mid Inner Turret (IR: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆)

This turret is a staple as it is the enemy's greatest vision asset outside their base. Destroying this gains you complete unseen access to their entire jungle. This allows you to create map pressure, and then you can rotate to either of the side lanes.

16) 3rd Elemental Drake (IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆)

There is only one reason this Dragon is better than the 2nd Elemental Drake. This creates immense pressure for the enemy to stop you from getting the 4th Elemental Drake. This is what we refer to before as the Soul Point.

17) Top Inhibitor Turret (IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆)

Once you destroy any of these turrets, you get a few things: First, you will give your team 300 gold. Second, all your minions are more valuable on the map. Nothing can stop them from pushing and grouping in this lane anymore. In other words, there is nothing in the way to reset the lane. Finally, there's a tactic you can do once you have an inhibitor turret down. You can create one of those unstoppable waves I mentioned in my previous article. They will have to send somebody to stop it. Otherwise, the defenseless inhibitor will go down. Once again, this turret is often the least valuable inhibitor turret. This is because top pressure is less viable late game due to Baron Nashor being so close.

18) Mid Inhibitor Turret (IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆)

This turret has the same benefits as the top inhibitor turret. The difference is that this one is more valuable because you can use it to create pressure on both sides of the map.

19) Bot Inhibitor Turret (IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆)

This turret is often the most valuable inhibitor turret. This is because it draws your enemies as far away from Baron Nashor as possible. However, this will depend on the more significant threat in the game. If Dragon is the larger threat, the most valuable inhibitor turret could be top.

20) 4th Elemental Drake (IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆)

Securing this is important for two main reasons: you will be giving your team the Dragon Soul. This is a powerful buff that will cause a significant change in how you will play the rest of the game as a team. Second, this prevents your opponents from getting any more Elemental Drakes. Also note that by getting this, you'll be pressuring the enemy even further. They have to decide a play for when Elder Dragon will spawn as it is essential to contest.

21) Nexus Turrets (IR: ★★★★★★★★☆☆)

These turrets are less important than inhibitors. If you analyze it, it's actually because they don't give you all that much. It gives you only 250 gold to your team and no extra map access. But it increases all your minion pressure further. Taking these also makes taking an inhibitor even more valuable. Nexus Turrets share the same principle as inhibitor turrets. They make your minions stronger. Now, there is no automated defense for your enemy. This will allow you to create vital opportunities with the correct pressure.

22) Baron Nashor (IR: ★★★★★★★★★☆)

This is an excellent way to overwhelm your enemies with map pressure and fight if needed. Once taken, you should split and create pressure in as many lanes as possible. Another thing you can do is group together and siege one turret down if it's easier to rotate to.

23) Elder Dragon (IR: ★★★★★★★★★☆)

This one is more important than the Baron Nashor as it is excellent for closing out games through a big teamfight. Another thing you can do is use it to overwhelm them due to the power boost your team will be getting. Once taken, you should look to create pressure and force a teamfight as soon as possible.

24) Top Inhibitor (IR: ★★★★★★★★★★)

Inhibitors are often the most important thing to secure on the map. There are a few instances where Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon can be more beneficial. They are better than inhibitors if you can take many inhibitors or end the game. Destroying an inhibitor delays your enemies from being able to end the game. It is also important to note that they must make one person recall to defend that lane. This allows you to pressure all other objectives to your heart's content with little worry. Due to the top inhibitor's position on the map, it isn't as valuable as the other inhibitors. This is because they can clear the minion waves on their way to Baron Nashor.

25) Mid Inhibitor (IR: ★★★★★★★★★★)

This inhibitor is almost always the second-best. It provides smaller pressure all over the map for Baron Nashor or Dragon. This lets you maintain the most vision as your minions travel down the lanes.

26) Bot Inhibitor (IR: ★★★★★★★★★★)

This inhibitor is the most important thing to secure in the game. It allows you to have constant pressure in the bottom lane. This can then allow you to push the top lane as a team. While those are ongoing, they must send at least one of their champions to the complete opposite side of the map. It also gives you an easier time to take Baron. Note that the top inhibitor turret might be more vital if you need to secure Dragon instead.

27) Nexus (IR: ★★★★★★★★★★)

A little to say here. Once you take this, you win the game. Congratulations!

Now that you've read all that, you know the methods behind how I rank the objectives. Remember that this is all subjective, depending on your game, and this is a general list.

That's all for today's article! I hope you guys learned something after reading this. Good luck on the Rift!




Written by Midnight

My name is Symeon “Midnight” Seguis. I am a League of Legends coach that specializes in strategy and player improvement. I like to write guides and analysis!

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