Roaming: Winning through Pressure

5 min readJul 9, 2020

This week, we’re going to be looking into Roaming. We will be looking at what roaming is, when and how to roam, and some tips and tricks to help you get more kills.


Roaming is when you leave your lane during the laning phase and move to gank another lane. It is a great way to create pressure and help out your other lanes. It is advantageous because it is like having a second jungler around.

Ganking is one of the most effective ways to change the flow of a lane. Turning around one of your other lanes is a great way to impact the game in your favor.

Roaming can get you more gold from kills to help win your lane even more. You can use it to pull your enemy out of the lane to deny him gold and experience. Finally, you can use it to help snowball your other lanes even harder.



This is the first step to a successful roam. It would be best to roam out of your lane for a good minute or so. So, by doing this, you’re always risking losing gold and experience from minions. There is a way to reduce this loss by setting up your lane.

You push your wave as fast as possible to the enemy turret, and as soon as you’re out of the enemy’s vision, start your roam. This will cause the enemy to choose between two things. Either they lose gold and experience by following you or allow you to roam. After you shove your wave to their turret, it will take about 45 to 60 seconds for it to crash back at your turret. That is when you start losing gold, so the clock starts now.


The second step is about moving across the map and avoiding wards.

Most common ward spots to avoid when roaming

You can use the image above as a reference to areas to avoid when roaming between lanes. Avoid these spots at all costs. You want to think like a jungler from this stage. You want to avoid wards and get between lanes as fast as possible.


The third step is about the gank itself. Like a jungler, you want to try to position yourself between the enemy and their turret. Try to land any Crowd Control abilities you have on them. That should allow your other laner(s) to capitalize on the fight. Unlike the jungler, you must go behind the enemy to do an aggressive gank. You don’t have the time to waste setting up a good lane gank. This is because the clock has been ticking since you left your lane.


It would be best if you learned to read the map to learn when to roam. To do this, you need to take notice of the positions of both junglers and how pushed the lane you wish to roam is.


If you think the enemy jungler is on the top side of the map, there’s no point roaming top. It will be too dangerous and could often turn into a 2v2. But it might be a great idea if he’s on the bottom side of the map.


Something else to look for is how pushed the lane you intend to roam to is. Also, it’s good to note what Summoner Spells they have. If they have no escapes, you have a good chance of picking up some good kills. This is why you try to roam as soon as possible.


Finally, you want to check where your jungler is. You can often coordinate with your jungler. As he ganks a lane, you gank another lane when the laners don’t expect it. You can also choose to gank the same lane as your jungler and go for other objectives afterward.

Once you’ve analyzed the map and decided it’s a good time to roam, you must leave at a time that works well for you. This means after you’ve shoved your minions right up to the enemy turret or your enemy laner has recalled. It’s also important not to walk out of lane within your enemy’s vision. It’s better to walk back and around than let him know which direction you’re going. If you disappear and he doesn’t know where you’ve gone, he has to warn all the lanes. This way, you’re creating pressure in the other lanes by not being on the map.


A great trick you can use is where you leave the lane now and then. You walk out into a bush between waves and go out of vision. This will always make your enemy worry about where you’re going. After a few minutes, even when you’re missing, he’ll stop calling MIA. This means you get free roams. After your first successful roam using this method, every time you walk out of the lane from now, he’ll call MIA. This way, you will create pressure on two different lanes, forcing them to play passively, which can significantly help.

You also don’t always have to roam into another lane when roaming. If you think you know where the enemy jungler will be, and you are strong, you can always roam into the enemy jungle. They rarely expect this, which can put them off quite a lot. The good thing about ganking their enemy jungler is that you don’t even have to kill the enemy jungler. You can put them off a camp, push them away, and delay their clears. You can even take the camp yourself. Whichever path you take, you are putting them behind.

Another strong tactic to kill a passive enemy laner is to pretend to roam to another lane. You must do this in an obvious manner and allow them to see you leave. Then, you stop somewhere and wait. If the enemy laner follows you to help the lane you’re about to gank, you will have them near you and get a free kill off it.

That’s all for now! I hope you learned something from this article. Good luck on the Rift!




Written by Midnight

My name is Symeon “Midnight” Seguis. I am a League of Legends coach that specializes in strategy and player improvement. I like to write guides and analysis!

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